воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.


What am I doing wrong? Im not sure how to measure tank current but i will do research on how. But its just not enough!!! Internal connections The second main factor is the resonant capacitor. On the HF design, I was running Ohms resitors on 15V supply, made of 4x r 1w in parallel, per gate. Is lower tank freq better for induction heating? The inductor got red hot and melted.
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Hey hanghuutri Have you tried to lfyback the different resonant frequencies you get with different work coils? I am looking for a way to create ozone generators and this would be a perfect option. I think the main issue is my capacitor that is too small.

So, am I on the right track with this in your opinion? Hello Mads, Thanks for all of your awesome work. July 10, at mazzolli Some blow up avs ramdomly. So I figured it was friend internally, and obtained another transformer. The arcs stopped oscillating and it seemed like all of the current from the batteries was going to the inductor. Thanks, I figured it out in the end and have got it up and running. The fast risetime voltage will ensure that one of the FETs will conduct before the other one does, and oscillation will then start.

mosfet - Troubleshooting ZVS flyback failure - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange

Too few windings will result in excessive heating and too many will result in reduced power output. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. October 21, at Any ideas… Comments… Feedback? The voltage and power of the arc were decreasing all the time, and now it was just barely better than the 2N circuit. I am under the impression my input voltage is too high, but im also unsure of what freq the tank needs to be for more heating power.

Zeners should not blow up, perhaps are you overvolting your input?

What the maximum frequency this circuit mazilli obtain? Both ways, you still need good insulating material, as you want to reduce corona losses — even if you made the full wave multipliers, as illustrated in the first schematics. The voltage input is 35volts and my smoothing bank is around uf with full wave.

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. The flyback I have choosen puts out a strong arc with my driver. The information has been extremely helpful for me! Unfortunately I make a stupid mistake by pull the hv wire far apart from each other the 2rd time I make this mistakeso far I have killed 3 mosfets.

Mazilli ZVS flyback driver

Hi Harsh It sounds like you have a short circuit, revise your circuit vs. My first version of this driver had two IRFs and a voltage of circa 35V on load, and it worked flawlessly. Now on further info on this circuit. The drain waveforms should be the same if your coil has proper symmetry. mazzikli

Mazilli ZVS flyback driver | Kaizer Power Electronics

More turns on the secondary side will also increase your voltage output. Can u help me with it. Be sure to take the voltage drop at load into consideration. First you should run the circuit up on a current limited source like a lab supply or failing that a large idiot resistor. Heat have tighten the winding and insert paraffin between spaces of the imperfect winding for us!

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